Springtime in Cambridge

Traditional Punting Company

All about Spring in Cambridge

Spring is a great time of year, that relief from the wintery days of January and February, into the longer, (and hopefully) sunnier days of March and April. It is the time of year where there is new life, brighter colours and nature forming around us. But what can you do this time of year? We have complied of a list of things to do in Cambridge, and in the local area, during spring and Easter.

Anglesey Abbey

During springtime, daffodils start to flourish throughout Anglesey Abbey and their gardens begin to grow. In their formal and winter garden tulips are undeniably centre stage and entrusts the smells of spring.

There is also Hoe Fen which is a great haven for wildlife. This area is a brilliant addition for the children and a great way to explore nature, especially this time of year, seeing the activity of insects rise as the temperature increases.

Spring time, Flowers, Cambridge in Spring

Cambridge Botanic Gardens

At the Cambridge Botanic Gardens, Lindt will be bringing some extra magic this Easter, and are hosting a magical Lindt Gold Bunny hunt as well as other exciting Easter activities for the whole family this spring.

What a great time to be outdoors, eating chocolate and exploring.

Springtime in Cambridge, Cambridge green spaces, Outdoor activities in Cambridge

Lambing Season at Wimpole

Springtime only means one thing, it is lambing season. During this time of year the new lambs we be welcomed at Wimpole estate; filling their pens and paddocks. Take a visit and hopefully you will be lucky to see some little lambs take their first step. It is the best time of year to capture the new beginnings in life and an adventure for all the family.

springtime, springtime at national trust, wimpole, Visit Cambridge during springtime, Lambing season

Theatre, Music and more

There is also an array of theatre productions and events occurring throughout spring. Cambridge is a great place to watch a showmusic act, or if you fancy something funny then a stand up might be something you are looking for this easter. 

Punting in Cambridge

But of course one of the top things to do this Spring is punting in Cambridge. The change of season is altering the river once again, giving it a new feeling and atmosphere. It is great to see the changes in the scenery and the colours that are projected from the amazing buildings that line the River Cam. One of the benefits of taking a chauffeured tour in springtime is, of course, the warmer weather, and also the quietness of the river. The summer hustle and bustle has not yet began and the river certainly feels more tranquil this time of year. 

What’s more tours are starting to run later on in the day, a sign of longer evenings, so gather your friends and family on book on of our private chauffeured tours to experience punting this easter.

Punting in Cambridge, Family Punting, Easter Holiday activities, Punting during Easter

Posted on February 18th, 2019, by the Traditional Punting Company